Hummingbird House
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How to access our services

Hummingbird House accepts referrals from any health professional with a provider number, that is involved in your child’s care. Please ask your referring health professional to review our eligibility criteria to determine your child’s suitability for our service, or contact our Clinical Care Team on (07) 3621 4364 or [email protected] to discuss your child’s situation.

If your child is deemed suitable to receive our care and support your referring health professional will be asked to complete a detailed guest referral form. Once received by our care team, the referral will be reviewed by a multidisciplinary paediatric palliative care panel who will determine your child’s eligibility to receive our care and support.

If you have any questions about our decision making process we welcome the opportunity to discuss it with you. To do this, please contact our Clinical Care Team on (07) 3621 4364 or [email protected] and we will make a time to speak with you.

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