Hummingbird House
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After death care

After death care is a unique service that is offered to every Hummingbird House family following their child’s death. It is also extended to families whose child’s death was due to a medical condition that would have made them eligible to receive our care and support.

After death care involves our specialist interdisciplinary team supporting you to care for your baby, child or young person following their death. Many families tell us that this time allows them time to breathe, grieve and remain together as they plan and hold ceremony in honour of their child’s life. This may take place onsite at Hummingbird House Brisbanein your home, or at another community location, and is underpinned by a culturally and spiritually supportive approach.

Families that receive after death care at Hummingbird House Brisbane have the choice of staying in our family accommodation suites. This supports you to stay together, with private access to the Hummingbird Suite – a dedicated space where we care for a child after death. During this time, anyone important to you or your child is welcome to visit Hummingbird House, as you honour and celebrate your child’s life. This includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and extended family and friends.

For families that wish to take their child’s body home for a vigil or home funeral, our interdisciplinary team can provide you with the information, guidance and support you need.

Our Family and Community Support team also offers grief and bereavement support to families during this time, which is ongoing, for as long as your family wishes to receive it.

If your child is eligible to receive our care and support, and you would like to explore how we can support you, please contact our Family and Community Support Team on 07 3621 4364 or email [email protected]. Our Family Support Workers are here to answer your questions and support you during this difficult time.