Hummingbird House
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Make a referral

Hummingbird House is happy to review referrals from any health professional with a provider number that is involved in a child or young person’s care. Please refer to our eligibility criteria to determine a child or young person’s suitability for our service, or contact our Clinical Care Team on (07) 3621 4364  to discuss their situation.

Our established referral pathway accepts babies from 24 weeks of pregnancy through to young people up to 18 years of age, with every referral reviewed by a multidisciplinary paediatric palliative care panel.

Referrals must be made using our detailed guest referral form with the consent of the child or young person’s parent or guardian. As a child or young person’s acuity and care needs are vital to our review process we may contact you for additional information during the review process.

Once a referral is received and reviewed by our team, the outcome of the referral will be shared with the referrer and child/young person’s family. If you have any questions about our decision we welcome the opportunity to discuss it with you. To do this, contact us and we will make a time to speak with you.