Hummingbird House
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Allied health

Hummingbird House provides a range of allied health and creative therapies that encourage guests and family members to engage their senses and draw out their abilities. We work with each family to understand their child’s needs and determine which therapies may be beneficial to improving their quality of life. Most of our allied health and creative therapies are offered at Hummingbird House BrisbaneHummingbird House @ Home, or through the NDIS (depending on a family’s package). If a child or young person is eligible to receive our care and support, we will work with their family to explore what services are available to them, and when, where and how they can access these services.

The main services offered by Hummingbird House include:


Children and young people with life-limiting conditions often struggle with reduced function, pain, uncontrolled movements, altered sensory processing, respiratory difficulties and other challenging symptoms. At Hummingbird House, we offer individualised physiotherapy treatments that aim to reduce and help manage these symptoms. More broadly, our program aims to balance the medical needs of children and young people with family goals of forming long-lasting memories (through exercise and movement). We do this by helping families with palliative needs participate in meaningful experiences, where physical health has previously been a barrier.


Children and young people with life-limiting conditions are often affected by painful conditions. Hydrotherapy may be beneficial for a child or young person, as spending time in a heated pool can help their muscles relax and allow them to experience pain-free movement. Hydrotherapy is a specialised form of physiotherapy that’s fun and impact-free. It also provides families the opportunity to jump in and have a splash together, allowing them to create precious memories for years to come.

Occupational therapy

Children and young people with life-limiting conditions often experience limitations of movement, vision and hearing; cognitive impairment; sensory processing difficulties; perceptual issues; behavioural challenges; and pain. These limitations can interfere with their day-to-day lives and require a high level of care from their family. The Hummingbird House occupational therapy program aims to improve the quality of life of our guests and families. We do this by identifying ways to improve a child or young person’s ability to participate in independent and meaningful childhood experiences and activities, while alleviating some of the burdens of care for the family.

Music therapy

Music therapy can be extremely beneficial for children and young people who experience limitations of movement, vision and hearing, by creating a safe and fun space for children and their families to express themselves. Music therapy may also help children manage pain and stress, providing opportunities for socialisation, self-expression and communication.

Art therapy

Hummingbird House’s art therapy program aims to improve the physical, mental and emotional well-being of our guests and families. This is particularly beneficial for children and young people who cannot verbalise their feelings due to developmental, cognitive or other conditions; or family members who benefit from creative or expressive therapies. Our program uses various techniques such as painting and collage to create meaning, rather than focussing on the end product.